Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the solemnities on the occasion of the opening of a large complex of new modern social projects – residential houses, a comprehensive secondary school, a nursery school, a shopping and entertainment centre and other projects in the western populated area of the capital.

The given social project was developed taking into account growing borders of the central city of the country and increase in the number of its residents. Today in this district of Ashgabat there has developed a modern road transport network, a system of engineering communications for creation of maximum comfort of citizens.

As known, the design of construction of residential houses and social projects in the western populated area of the capital was submitted for consideration of Hero Arkadag.

It is noteworthy that in recent years housing construction has acquired in our country an unseen scope. It enables to expand opportunities of population to choose more convenient and suitable housing meeting requirements of both time and individual necessities and liking.

In this regard, in October of 2018 in the western populated area of the capital with participation of honoured elders, grey haired grandmothers, representatives of the capital khyakimlik, a stone laying ceremony of the modern complex of buildings took place.

Within the framework of the city planning program, aimed at systematic improvement of living conditions of people and complex modernization of infrastructure, the state of affairs at the buildings sites, paces of buildings activities were constantly controlled and builders were supplied with everything necessary.

During working trips to the capital city and flyings by helicopter around the area Arkadag regularly checked the activities carried out at building sites. It speaks of the fact that the state attaches a great significance for realization of the large-scale city planning program covering all corners of the city.

And of course, in the foremost place is our white marble coated Ashgabat with its amazing scope and pace of building activities meeting requirements of the time and transformations and reforms taking place in the country.

Clear-cut social priorities of the state policy are implemented obviously in the housing construction, which envisages construction of nursery and secondary schools, sports grounds, shops, services and other facilities, road infrastructure, green zones and many others in every residential area.

Thus, the well-thought concept of city development is realized stage by stage reflecting the economic state of our country, the level of culture and spiritual life of society, intellectual potential, main social processes and principles in accordance with which all changes take place.

And now, on the eve of New Year festivities the opening ceremony of this residential complex took place as an inspiring double holiday for people.

…from morning near newly built buildings decorated with garlands of balloons, the atmosphere of a large Turkmen toy prevails there.

Among participants of the solemnity are heads and representatives of the Mejlis and Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, deputy chairmen of the Cabinet, heads of military and law enforcement bodies, ministries and departments, heads of representation offices of international organizations, embassies and general consular offices of Turkmenistan in foreign countries as well as foreign diplomatic missions accredited to our countries and international structures, elders, representatives of public organizations and mass media.

Music and songs sound glorifying our beloved country and grandiose transformations of the modern epoch. Workers of culture and art, creative groups, who presented bright concert numbers, came to congratulate with the opening of newly built buildings.

In the solemnity Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova made a congratulatory speech and noted that organization of today’s solemnity on the occasion of the opening of the residential complex on the eve of the new year, has a deep meaning and will become a double holiday. It is the result of successful continuation of noble deeds started under the wise leadership of Hero Arkadag by Arkadagly Serdar.

The present epoch is marked with bright events and special attention is given to construction of cultural and industrial projects that testifies to the strengthening of economic might of the fatherland and steady rise of living conditions of population, the Chairwoman of the Mejlis continued her word and expressed her gratitude to Arkadag and Arkadagly Serdar on behalf of people of the country for their care of individuals and wished them sound health and long life.

…meanwhile President Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrives in the venue of the opening ceremony of the residential complex.

Participants of the ceremony welcome the head of the state with great inspiration. Workers of art and culture, actors of variety art perform festive song and dance programs.

To the noisy applaud of the gathered, the President of Turkmenistan cuts a symbolic ribbon, opening the new residential complex.

One of the key aspects of the policy pursued by Arkadagly Serdar is to ensure convenient residential houses meeting modern quality standards for Turkmen nationals. Numerous housewarming parties are a visual symbol of the modern epoch, which embodies the triumph of great creative and humane ideals, the speakers underlined.

It should be pointed out that members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country carried out construction of residential houses, social projects, engineering systems and roads. It speaks of the fact that the national private sector takes an active part in implementation of large scale transformations aimed at wellbeing of people. All facilities of the complex built by diligent work of builders combine national architectural principles with modern practice.

Meanwhile at the territory of the residential complex there was staged the Turkmen wedding with its rituals and ceremonies making a deep impression on the participants of the solemnity. Today age-old customs assume a new revival enriched with modern elements but preserving the spirit of best traditions of this wonderful family ceremony.

Then, happy new tenants invited President Serdar Berdimuhamedov as guest to their houses. Further, the head of the state headed towards the building of the comprehensive secondary school for 320 children located in the residential complex. It is provided with all opportunities so that young residents can get education meeting the requirements of time and grow spiritually rich and physically sound.

At the decorated square in front of the main building of the secondary school, the children’s dance group presented a festive music chorographical composition.

At the disposal of schoolchildren and teachers are specialized rooms, which are equipped with technologies meeting international standards.

Inspection of the comprehensive secondary school President Serdar Berdimuhamedov started with classrooms of primary classes. The teacher expressed sincere gratitude to the head of the state for created educational opportunities.

During inspection, Arkadagly Serdar visited laboratories of chemistry and biology and familiarized himself with their conditions and equipment.

Speaking of equipment of rooms designed for modern education, conditions of laboratories, the teacher underlined that here is everything necessary for use of advanced world practice and scientific achievements. It was marked that equipment and innovative technologies installed in classrooms enable to make teaching more enjoyable by use of digital systems, which are especially important for mastering knowledge.

The teaching staff of the school expressed its sincere acknowledgement to Arkadagly Serdar for creation of necessary conditions for ensuring high-level education in the modern school.

Having underlined that the teacher’s profession is much respected, the head of the state wished the academic staff of the school great successes in their work and congratulated them and schoolchildren with their upcoming New Year.

Schoolchildren and teachers of the new educational institution can hold classes in international standard specialized classrooms. The equipment of interactive education installed in classrooms and laboratories can help them learn biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and other subjects visually and with more inspiration. The latest technologies of language laboratories enable children not only to master theoretical materials but also to develop correct pronunciation of foreign words.

The school also offers all conditions for harmonious development of schoolchildren discovering their gifts and creative skill. There are also music and song, sports classrooms and conference hall as well as premises for trade skills where girls master needlework.

In the comprehensive school, there is a medical room and a canteen as well. Wonderful conditions are created for fruitful work of the teaching staff as well.

The commissioning of the nursery school into operation has become a wonderful new year present for the youngest residents of the populated area. Here are all necessary conditions for harmonious development and interesting leisure taking into account peculiarities of age groups of young children.

Upon arrival in the white marble-coated building of the nursery school, children welcome Arkadagly Serdar merrily and they were presented with New Year gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

The white marble-coated children complex consists of main two storey blocks and technical facilities, including autonomous life-support systems. Young tenants enter rooms with interior designs decorated with images of heroes of fairy tales and sleeping rooms equipped with high quality furniture. Classrooms and playrooms equipped with wonderful facilities provide all conditions for harmonious development and cognitive leisure of children.

Teachers and educators expressed their gratitude to Arkadagly Serdar for creation of necessary conditions for work in the nursery school built in the complex and the opportunity for children to get primary education.

Walking in the open air will help children improve their health. The territory of the yard is planted with trees and playing grounds with all necessary attributes serve children to enjoy their time merrily and useful.

In a word, here are all conditions for merry, active and cognitive passage of time for children, preparation for classes and get primary education and useful skill, including computer literacy.

The head of the state was photographed with children of the nursery school as keepsake.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated teachers and educators of the nursery school with their upcoming New Year and wished them great successes in their noble work.

Then, the President of Turkmenistan talked to ambassadors of foreign countries and heads of representation offices of international organizations taking part in significant events and having congratulated them with the upcoming New Year, he thanked diplomats for an active participation in events, which have a great significance in the life of the country.

In his turn, on behalf of diplomats, the Russian ambassador congratulated Arkadagly Serdar with the upcoming New Year and noted that the new city was laid by Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Arkadagly Serdar successfully continued the started work making great efforts for successful completion of construction and requested the head of the state to convey best wishes on behalf of diplomats.

You have built a new city and gave it the worthy name Arkadag. It is the most right decision. It was namely Arkadag, who initiated creation of the new city and kept its construction under a constant control. And now efforts made yielded fruits, the Russia ambassador said and congratulated the President with this wonderful event and the upcoming New Year wishing Arkadagly Serdar great happiness, peace, and further prosperity and successes to the Turkmen people.

Having once again congratulated the gathered with the significant event and upcoming New Year, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov left the place.

Guided with age-old traditions, housewarming parties in our country are marked with great inspiration and lavishly. And today music and songs sound high in the territory decorated with fir trees and New Year garlands.

The new populated area also possesses all necessary social and living facilities, well-accomplished children’s and playing and sports grounds. A great deal of work was carried out to accomplish and improve the territory. The asphalt road was laid, a lighting system was provided, young trees were planted, flowerbeds and lawns were laid. White marble-coated buildings with modern conveniences became a regular stage of development of the populated areas in this part of the city.

The populated area consisted of 62 four-storey houses with modern conveniences and is designed for 3064 families.

Among today’s openings is the shopping and entertainment centre «Abadançylyk». The architecture of the newly built project harmoniously combines classics and modernity. It consists of five shopping halls, a restaurant, café and others. The adjoining territory of the shopping centre is divided into green zones and flowerbeds and provided with unique lighting poles and benches. It has a parking lot and a garage.

Today a steady work is carried out in Turkmenistan to ensure goods abundance and supply of home market with various produces. In addition to the raise of production of consumer goods, industrial capacities of light sand food industries, large investments are made in services and trades spheres. Modern shopping centres, shops, markets, pubic catering centres equipped with modern technologies and built in Ashgabat and regions ensure high quality service for population.

First and second floors of the complex house specialized shops with a wide assortment of foodstuffs and industrial goods. In spacious halls of shops, one can find various goods made by local manufacturers.

In a word, richness of stalls of the new shopping complex visually display foods abundance in the country, the supply of which is an important link of transformations developed in Turkmenistan.

In spite of a rather large area of the centre, customers can easily find necessary goods making an itinerary by schemes of location of specialized shopping zones each of which is designed for realization of definite category of goods.

Another newly built project is a new market, where comfortable conditions are created for sellers and buyers.

The territory of the bazaar is divided into specialized shopping zones. So, the largest area is occupied by the zone designed for realizing of all ranges of foodstuffs.

The engineering and technical facilities meet the modern requirements, including systems of power and communications, water supply and sewage systems.

Bazaars built in all parts of the country become a symbol of generosity of Turkmen people and fertility of our land. As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlines, supply of markets with all necessary goods at affordable prices for population is our main goal at the modern stage. It is for this reason that our markets are a bright example of steady rise of level of living standards of our people, which serve a result of efficiency of national model of economy of the present time.

In the course of many centuries through the territory of Turkmenistan, which is called “crossroad of seven roads” for centuries, the great Silk Road linking the mysterious East with the rational West, cold North and sultry South passed. Today the significance of our country ass most important crossroad of trade routes of the Eurasian continent thanks to its exceptionally favourable geographical location again becomes actual.

Ambassadors of foreign countries and heads of representation offices of international organizations accredited to our country Turkmenistan visited reconstructed houses of the complex, familiarized themselves with their wonderful conditions, and were treated to local sweets offered by happy new tenants.

Members of the government on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan presented new tenants with gifts.

The performance of workers of art and culture, famous variety show actors, folklore and dance groups added a special colour to the festive atmosphere of the solemnity of today. They glorified great achievements of our beloved fatherland and noble deeds of our Hero Arkadag and successful continuation of his work by Arkadagly Serdar.

It testifies to another evidence that significant events in the life of our fatherland become landmarks of history and preparation for festive events in our country people approach with great responsibility and they are held at high level.