
The Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov hosted an exhibition and the II International Scientific Conference “Breeding Turkmen Alabai and Tazy: history, culture and art” and a thematic exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Turkmen Alabai.

The event was attended by representatives of the International Association "Turkmen Alabai", the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov, who acted as its organizers.

The forum was also attended by teachers and students of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli, researchers of the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Makhtumkuli of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

Before the start of the conference, the participants got acquainted with the informative exposition telling about the Turkmen history and culture, natural resources of our country. The guests of the exhibition were presented works of fine art, thematic literature, samples of medicinal plants, stuffed animals. In addition, the exhibition demonstrated scientific projects prepared jointly by students and teachers of the university.

During the conference, it was discussed in detail about the meaning, history, national methods and traditions, the richest experience in breeding the Turkmen Alabai breed. The audience's attention was focused on the content of the book by Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov "Türkmen alabaýy" ("Turkmen Alabay"), which contains interesting facts, historical and literary information about the origin of this widely popular all over the world ancient dog breed.

In the speeches of the participants, the invaluable role of the Turkmen Alabays in the life of the people was highly emphasized. For centuries, Alabai have been faithful helpers and defenders, friends and companions of the Turkmens, they are an integral part of the national history and culture, the pride and heritage of the people. The image of Alabai is glorified and immortalized in numerous works of art by Turkmen masters.

It was noted that in Turkmenistan, special attention has always been paid to the preservation and breeding of the purebred breed of the Turkmen Alabai. Because, due to its characteristics, this breed is considered an elite among other breeds of dogs. Fearless, devoted, sedate, strong, proud - these epithets are not without reason used when talking about Alabai, because they best reflect the qualities, character and behavior of this breed of dogs.

We add that the event was not without the participation of the main characters of the upcoming holiday in our country. Charming Alabai puppies, with their inherent calmness, met all the guests of the event at the entrance to one of the university buildings, where the conference and exhibition were held.

Recall that the I International Scientific Conference dedicated to the Day of the Turkmen Alabay was held in Ashgabat last year, when this holiday was first celebrated in Turkmenistan.
